Done for
Winthrop University’s Senior Portfolio Show 2018
Wesley Fry
Web, Print, Photography, Brand Strategy, Identity Design
Wesley & I were tasked with developing a brand strategy for the 2018 senior portfolio show at Winthrop University. We wanted every student, designer or illustrator, to be able to relate & be proud of they show's identity & representation. After walking the senior class through multiple mind-mapping exercises, we found a common thread: everyone wanted to have fun & show off the work they were proud of. We took this insight and positioned the portfolio show as a celebration for students to take pride in their work. Instead of coming up with a theme, the show was promoted as a party.
We'll spare you the lofty mission statement explaining how our creative minds will change the game. We're proud of our work, so come celebrate with us!
The process
We mind-mapped with the seniors to better understand what they wanted out of the show. Below are the highest points of contention in order of importance (categorized by the seniors).
Why we put on a show:
- Celebrate our hard work
- Show off our work
- Meet professionals / get connections
- For our parents
- Potentially get a job
- Just for fun
Who this show is for:
- Us (students)
- Professionals
- Parents
- Professors
After debating the likelihood of getting hired by anyone at the show, we came to the conclusion that what we really want is to have fun & celebrate ourselves & our work, but in a professional way.
The Big Idea:
The show is a celebration and that’s all we need to convey. Wesley & I were inspired by Jessica Walsh & Timothy Goodman’s Quotes on Shit project of simple type with in-your-face bold colors. We needed to create a simple, bold brand that incorporates celebration. What’s more celebratory than unwrapping a gift? Unwrapping two gifts.
As a celebration, the show wasn’t meant to be taken seriously. Thus, we named the show Untitled Portfolio Show. Of course, the logo uses Helvetica, a designer’s most basic go-to font. We wanted to try, but not try too hard.
The colors are a variation of the RGB palette. We wanted the palette to have a bright party vibe, and only slightly damaging to your eyes.
3, 98, 32, 0
233, 20, 108
64, 0, 90, 0
69, 209, 78
77, 56, 0, 0
55, 112, 222
The gridded pattern symbolizes the designer’s sacred grid system, while the organic pattern symbolizes the illustrator’s expressive pictorials.

We only used Helvetica throughout the branding to keep the message simple. We care, but not too much.

The process of creating the final image began with a print out of the logo on card stock. We wrapped it in the blue & green grid pattern. The wrapping paper was carefully torn away to reveal the logo & taped into a spiral on the side. This smaller poster was hung by a misshapen hanger taped to the wall to give it a floating effect & photographed on a blue & pink background. We printed that photograph & wrapped it in the pink & green wrapping paper & repeated the previous process. We then photographed this new poster on the hanger & used it as the main image. The confetti image was torn up pieces of wrapping paper that we dangled above the backdrop. This teaser image was manipulated to be a repeating pattern, so it could be any width we needed it to be.
We wanted to create an experience with the mailers that went beyond receiving a postcard in the mail. The final paper invitation mimicked the poster photography. When delivered, the front was completely covered in the pink and green wrapping paper except for a small tear curled up in the upper righthand corner. When the tear was torn further, it would follow the path of a piece of diagonal card stock glued underneath it. Because of this, each invite would tear in the same spot for everyone and reveal the logo underneath. The rest of the wrapping paper was glued onto the front of the postcard so it wouldn’t be torn away.

Save the date email

Instagram post